We recently took a look at some of the surprising meanings different cultures associate with flowers. Today, we’ll be continuing this series with a look at some of the most enduring flowers from over the years. With so many different subtle meanings, you can get a lot across with a gift of a bouquet. Do you have someone you’d like to send a sweet surprise to? Call Breen’s Florist in Houston today to get started!
Just about everyone has positive feelings about sunflowers. So beloved are they that it is said when Spaniards first arrived in North America, they believed sunflowers were made of pure gold. As one of the first crops grown in America, sunflowers have become a staple of classic art depicting the happiness of life on the prairie. Many people feel sunflowers symbolize longevity, adoration, and loyalty thanks to their hearty nature.
Romans were the first to introduce daffodils to Britain, as they believed they had medicinal properties. China and Wales both view daffodils as a symbol of good luck, whereas France believes they represent hope. As one of the most enduring symbols of the coming of spring, daffodils are also seen as an icon of new life and forgiveness as we shed the winter overgrowth and begin anew.
Thanks to its lush blooms, many people adore azaleas. With origins stretching back to ancient China, azaleas have become a symbol for womanhood in many different countries. They are often associated with feelings of softness and caring for someone. This makes them an ideal choice for anniversary gifts and wedding arrangements. Azaleas are also often given as a gift of gratitude.
Another one of the most enduring flowers throughout the world, lotus flowers are used in art and literature for a variety of reasons. Buddhists believe that the lotus is the representation of the purity of the body, speech, and mind. This has led to its depiction in many works of art featuring Buddha. Throughout many other Asian countries, the lotus represents elegance, beauty, grace, and perfection. If you want to give someone the gift of enlightenment, do it with lotus flowers.
With a fragrance that made them seem magical to Celtics, the lilac is a beautiful flower that has had many different meanings over the years. When a lilac was given to someone in the Victorian Age, it was meant as a reminder of old love. This led to the practice of widows wearing lilacs during their mourning period. Russians believed that holding a sprig of lilac over a newborn would bring them wisdom as they grew up. Thanks to its peak bloom time, many people heavily associate lilacs with the Easter holiday. The color of lilac will also change their meaning, as white lilacs are a sign of purity, violet lilacs represent spirituality, and light purple represents a first love. Though there are many other meanings that can change depending on the color of the lilac, they are most often connected with feelings of love and romance throughout their history.

When you want to tell someone you love them, few things get the message across better than flowers. Whether you’re shopping for a surprise, an anniversary, a wedding, or a birthday, say it with a bouquet of flowers. Not sure which flowers to pick out for your gift? That’s not a problem. Call Breen’s Florist in Houston today and we’ll be happy to help you find the perfect collection.